總管理講話 General Manager Speech


將來,公司的將如一自始的為客服帶來了近期最新技能的高質食品與貼心服務,靡不依據事業心方面的尋找,為華人的現化化構建貢獻率定力。 Sumitomo Bakelite(Nantong)Co., Ltd. was established in June 2007 as a Cinese legal entity and a subsidiary of the High Performance Plastic Products Business Unit of Sumitomo Bakelit Co., Ltd. Since then the company has but two highly sophisticated manufacturing plants: one for phenolic resins in the rst phase of investment and the other or phenolic molding com- pounds in the second Furthemore, 3d phase plants of fim-sheet and epoxy coating resins are invested in 2014 These ants are he ru of all the expeise and techology accumulated by its group companies which are active in Japan. Europe. U.S.A. and other Asian countries.Thanks to the supportive cooperation of the Nantong City Government,  the location favorable the for chemical plants, and the excellent local workforce, our company is developing its business and will make further investment for the future expansion of activities.  A regional head office of sales in China was set up within our company and our R&D division has been strengthened so that we could capture our customers' needs more accurately and promptly.  We will continue to provide our customers with new functionalities of plastics, expand our business in growing fields and contribute to further development of industries in China.
集團公司概述 Company Profile
有限企業名字字大全 Company name 南通市住友電莫有限裝修公司 Sumitomo Bakelite (Nantong) Co., Ltd.
成立公司日期時間 Establishment 2004年6月29日 29 June, 2007
酚醛環氧樹脂(PR)廠產量著手日期英文 PR plant operation start 二零零九年4月 April, 2009
酚醛模塑料制品(PM)工廠里制作開端日期時間 PM plant operation start 20多年4月 April, 2012
氣態環氧漆硅橡膠(ECR)服裝廠的生產始于年份 ECR plant operation start 201幾年費改后 September, 2014
多層住宅共擠聚酰亞胺膜(CEL)廠家產生開始準確時間 CEL plant operation start 201四年2月 September, 2014
申請資產投資 Capital 10,700萬人民幣(住友電木100%獨資企業) USD 107 million
產品的 Products 酚醛不飽和光敏樹脂, 酚醛模塑膠,液態氨環氧漆不飽和光敏樹脂,多個共擠膜 Phenolic Resin, Phenolic Molding Compound, Epoxy Costing Resins,Co-extruded Multi Layer Film
財務人員 Employees 270名 270
土地征用占地 Sites area 150畝 100,000㎡
郵編號碼 Zip code 226017
電話號碼 Address 常熟金錢高技術開發技術區港口城市行業3區走向路85號 No.81 Tonda Road Port Industrial Park3 Economic Technological Development Area, Nantong, Jiangsu, China
點話 TEL

酚醛樹脂(PR) 0513-8599-7182
酚醛模塑料(PM) 0513-8599-7179
液態環氧樹脂(ECR) 0513-8599-7111
多層(ceng)共擠(ji)薄膜(CEL) 0513-8599-7184 

搞好關系形式 contact information
亚洲国产日韩欧美在线_老司机aⅴ在线精品导航_欧美三级在线视频_午夜色网 亚洲国产日韩欧美在线_老司机aⅴ在线精品导航_欧美三级在线视频_国产91精品在线观看 亚洲国产日韩欧美在线_老司机aⅴ在线精品导航_欧美三级在线视频_欧美日日日









