
Quality assurance
research and development

環境、安全、品質、研發 Environment,Safety,Quality and R&D

系統設計我公司的關鍵路線, 他們將“節能降耗和對市場經濟的高寬比業績” 有所作為經營的運動的關鍵性結題。 但要遵循住友實業的企業發展控制本職工作理念他們最求的方向一下:率先提高自己市場經濟對新產品“心安、穩定控制本職工作、高寬比肯定”, 再者需求公司根據社會基準的穩定控制本職工作控制本職工作、 品質控制本職工作法規, 加入第一進的設施設備,從而正極力促生態節能降耗和節能降耗節能降耗,為員工辭職付出營造另一個能保護不斷地建康、明了裝修風格和諧的本職工作節能降耗而付出。 We uphold the principle of “management making a significant contribution to the environment and society”. The basis is Sumitomo’s business philosophy, on which we exert our efforts to enhance safety, security and trust in society. We have installed highly advanced facilities and equipment in the plants to meet global standards of safety and quality control, and to reduce emission of global warming gases. We are striving to create a pleasant work environment for all the employees.

于提高品質方面的努力 Efforts for Quality Improvement

方便擁有老客戶在質量處理上要定心的用華科的貨品設備在生產的時候,由于生產材質性能的優異,使得設備在有關的貨品性能上有著顯著的提高,并且在貨品,當我們我謹代表工作人員同心同德協力關鍵加快推進的質量處理項目。 We maintain the position as a leading company in our business field through our efforts to improve and expand R&D equipment and human resources for the purpose of capturing our customers’ needs and providing good solution in a timely manner.

  • IATF16949

  • ISO 9001 certified

    ISO 9001 certified
  • ISO 14001 certified

    ISO 14001 certified
  • ISO 14001 certified

    ISO 14001 certified

于產品開發方面的努力 Efforts for R&D

明確了解玩家的的需求,奮發努力接納更優秀人材并括大研發團隊需要的的頂尖產品,快速的為玩家展示 滿足方案范文,總是堅持捷晨在競品中得領頭社會價值。 We maintain the position as a leading company in our business field through our efforts to improve and expand R&D equipment and human resources for the purpose of capturing our customers’ needs and providing good solution in a timely manner.

試做環保設備 Experimental Equipment

Reaction Laboratory 癥狀實踐室
Pulverizer 樹脂膠粉碎性機
Molding Machine 真空成形機

評論機械 Evaluate Equipment

Pulverizer 絞碎機
Gas Chromatograph(GC) 氣質聯用色譜
Sumrgraph(Nitrogen Analyzer) 氮成分測得儀
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 傅立葉紅外光譜分析儀
GC-MS 色譜色譜-質譜聯用儀
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(XRFS) x光譜分析線熒光光譜分析儀
lon Chromatograph(IC) 鐵離子色譜儀
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy(AAS) 共價鍵融合光譜圖法
Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC) 差示復印量熱法
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis(DMA) 動態性磁學定性分析
Thermogravimetric(TG) 熱重定量分析
Nucear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) 核磁震蕩
Curelastometer 混煉儀
Rheometer 流變儀
Digital Microscope(DMS) 小數體視顯微鏡
去聯系具體方法 contact information
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